Why building relationships is the best way to become successful

The key to success is not being the smartest person in the room, how many investors you have, or even how good you are at what you do. While these things can certainly make a difference, true success can be attained by building excellent relationships with the people around you.

Ever heard the saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. This is likely the worst kept secret as we have all heard the phrase, however we easily laugh it off as a bad joke. The phrases we do remember and commit to are ones which encourage us to succeed by investing in ourselves.

  • “Work hard and you will be a success”
  • “To be a successful actor you must have professional training”
  • “Money is the measure of success”

Success in itself can mean many things for different people. For many, success can be owning your own business. Driving expensive cars, flaunting designer handbags or living in a waterfront property. Maybe it’s changing your life situation and being able to offer a different life for ourselves and our loved ones. Perhaps simply, it’s finding the right person to live your life with.

Whatever your definition of success, it is virtually impossible to achieve it on our own. It is easy to forget that we are all human and we all have our ambitions in life. It’s incredibly important to treat everyone we meet with the utmost respect because we are all on a journey to achieve our goals. Our paths can and often do cross, so whether you are an aspiring actor or a CEO, the people we meet and interact with will certainly play a role in our own journey to success.

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The people we meet
In our professional lives we likely interact with many different people. As an actor it is important to ensure that we treat everyone with respect and kindness whether they are doing our make-up, rigging a set, or bringing us lunch. We are all looking to achieve our goals and it’s quite possible you will work with the same people many times throughout your career. You never know where your next recommendation for a role will come from.

The people in our lives
To continue to grow as a professional and as a human, invest your energy into building up a network of like minded souls who are motivated and positive. You can celebrate each others successes and in turn, motivate each other to achieve even more.

True greatness is found through the people in our lives. They are what keep us motivated, keep us engaged and keep us focused on our goals and aspirations.

‘My Actor Life’ allows you to keep track of all the people you meet on and off set a well as providing a view of your direct booking contacts. These are valuable contacts worth keeping in touch with as they may lead to more booked jobs in the future. To find out more, check out our feature pages.

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