Want to learn how to create a recurring job or appointment? You can set this up simply right within the ‘New Job’ entry form!
Have you landed a three week booked job that needs you on set every Saturday and Sunday? Or perhaps you are the Principal Actor in a theatre production that’s running three nights a week for the next 2 months.
Whatever the scenario, we are going to show you how to easily set up a recurring job or appointment.
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This feature already exists in most major calendar tools such as Microsoft Outlook, and the same applies to ‘My Actor Life’. With today’s method, we will create an appointment that includes a recurring event type.
So without further ado, let’s get started!
Example 1: A regular film screening at a film festival on Saturday nights from 4th Jan 2020 till 25th Jan 2020.
1a. Create a new appointment event
The first thing we are going to do is create a new event.
– Browse to the ‘My Jobs’ page and click the ‘Create New Job’ button.
– Select the ‘Appointment’ stage.
– Select the ‘Event’ appointment type.
– Complete the remaining fields.
1b. Complete the date fields
– Enter the Start Date and Time (first occurance) of the event: 04/01/2020 7pm.
– Enter the Finish Date and Time (first occurance) of the event: 04/01/2020 10pm.
– Select the Repeat Event: ‘Every Week’ option.
– Enter the ‘Repeat Until’ date which is the date the event will no longer appear in your calendar from: 25/01/2020
– Click Submit

Example 2: A regular film screening at a film festival on Saturday AND Sunday nights from 4th Jan 2020 till 26th Jan 2020.
2a. Create a new appointment event
The first thing we are going to do is create a new event.
– Browse to the ‘My Jobs’ page and click the ‘Create New Job’ button.
– Select the ‘Appointment’ stage.
– Select the ‘Event’ appointment type.
– Complete the remaining fields.
2b. Complete the date fields
– Enter the Start Date and Time (first occurance) of the event: 04/01/2020 7pm.
– Enter the Finish Date and Time (first occurance) of the event: 05/01/2020 10pm.
– Select the Repeat Event: ‘Every Week’ option.
– Enter the ‘Repeat Until’ date which is the date the event will no longer appear in your calendar from: 26/01/2020
– Click Submit

Wrapping up
You can select not only weekly recurring schedules but also fortnightly and monthly. That’s all there is to it!
Thanks for your time and if you are interested in more tips, tutorials and other news, be sure to check out our blog. Bye for now!