The ‘New Job’ page is where new opportunities and jobs are logged. In order to ensure that you are not overwhelmed with forms to enter, the new job space is divided into a few areas that expand only when they are needed. This allows for a natural progression through each stage of the opportunity.
- One form per opportunity or job for easy tracking later
- Simple navigation between detail sections
- Create unlimited opportunities and jobs
The Stage section defines the current stage of the opportunity. These can be: Application, Self-Tape, Audition, Booked Job or Appointment. Each opportunity will naturally progress through one or all of these stages and it is here that we select which stage each opportunity is at presently.
By selecting a stage from this list, the corresponding details section is available. For example: by selecting the Application stage, the Application Details Section is shown. See more info below.
As your opportunity progress from an Application to Self-Tape or Audition and finally Booked Job, you can easily edit your opportunity or job and update the stage here.

project details
The Project Details section holds the key information for the project such as:
- The project title
- The type of project (TVC, Feature Film etc)
- Whether the opportunity was booked through you or your agent
- The role type (Lead, Supporting, Extra etc)
- Whether the role is paid or not
- The due date or start date of the opportunity or job
- The due time or start time of the opportunity or job
Note: When the Booked Job stage is selected, you can also enter the Job end date and time as well as setting recurring dates.

agency details
If in the Project Details section the ‘Booked Through Agent – Yes’ option was selected, the Agency Details section is shown. Here you can select from one of your saved agents which will automatically populate all the agent contact details for you.

contact details
If in the Project Details section the ‘Booked Through Agent – No’ option was selected, the Contact Details section is shown. Here you can enter the following information:
- Job platform that the opportunity or job was found on (Casting Networks, StarNow, IMDbPro etc)
- Contact name, phone number and email address of your primary contact for the production

Application Details, Self-Tape, Audition and Booked Job Details
Depending on the stage selected in the Project Details section, the corresponding stage details section is shown. Here you can enter the following information (depending on stage):
- Status of the opportunity or job (Preparing, Submitted, Cancelled, In Progress)
- Self-Tape upload URL where you’ve been instructed to upload your self-tape when ready (dropbox etc)
- Online audition link (if you are auditioning via Zoom or another platform)
- In person audition or production address
- Free text notes
- Upload slots for your self-tape/audition/booked job scripts
- Upload slot for your call sheet
Appointment Details
If the Appointment stage is selected, the corresponding appointment details section is shown. Here you can enter the following information:
- The type of appointment, eg: Class or Rehearsal
- Contact details for the appointment
- If this appointment is related to a project you are working on, you can link it to that project by selecting it here
- Appointment details such as: Appointment name, URL if online and the address.
- Free Text Notes
- Dates and times related to the appointment as well as a recurring appointment selector if the appointment will be held regularly for a period of time.