The ‘My Jobs’ page is at the center of your experience. It is where you will keep track of all your upcoming opportunities and booked jobs. Both the consolidated calendar and the stage lanes mean this space also serves as a place to help you keep focused on the areas that need your attention. With a busy schedule of opportunities and booked jobs, prioritisation is key.


The consolidated calendar displays a single view of your upcoming opportunities and booked jobs. Here you can easily identify which opportunities are due soon, and which booked jobs are coming up shortly.

  • Summary view of ALL your applications, self-tapes, auditions and booked jobs.
  • One click (or touch) to view/edit each entry.
  • Entries are colour coded for easy identification.
  • Create an unlimited number of entries.
  • Dynamically updates as new entries are created.


The stage lanes area under the consolidated calendar is carefully designed to help focus your energy on the opportunties and booked jobs that are due or coming soon. By categorising your opportunities into three distinct stages (preparing, Submitted/Held, Booked) it is easy to know what needs to be worked on and when it is due.

The 'Preparing' Lane

This is the lane to focus on in order to generate more booked jobs. By focusing your energy on this lane you can be assured that you are not only generating more opportunities for booked jobs, but also increasing the number of relationships you are making in the industry.

Meeting people, submitting your applications and self-tapes on time and making a great impression at your auditions are all excellent ways to succeed and further your career.

The 'Submitted/Held' Lane

This lane displays the applications and self-tapes you have submitted and the auditions you have attended. Use this lane to keep track of who you should follow up with in order to progress your submission or audition to the next phase.

An opportunity may move between the PREPERATION and SUBMITTED/HELD lanes a few times before they convert to booked jobs.

The 'Booked' Lane

Here you can keep track of all your booked jobs that are upcoming or in progress. You can see which jobs are coming up allowing you time to focus on preparing for the production.

If your BOOKED lane is low, use the time to focus on the first two lanes in order to generate more booked jobs. You can also reach out to your direct booking contacts in order to find additional opportunities.